Get to know us
At Pilos Divers we provide high quality diving services from certified divers. We specialize in all diving services; coastal and offshore diving services on ships, docks, fish farms, underwater culverts, harbor works and other underwater structures.
Underwater technical works
Pilos Divers holds all legal diver and diving crew licenses from the Greek port authorities. We collaborate with major shipping, diving and construction companies as well as the port authority.
Based in Kalamata and Pylos, we use modern equipment and amenities for undertaking all kinds of underwater work in Greece and abroad, according to your needs 24hours a day.
We are one of the few companies with a professional diving license for underwater works or projects in Messinia and we have participated in challenging tasks, such as Rio-Antirrio Bridge maintenance, harbor works and ship repairs.

Maintenance works and repairs
Technical underwater works on ships, docks, fish farms, underwater culverts, harbor works and more.

Boat and ship cleaning
with hydraulic power unit (brush-kart, single hydraulic brush and other hydraulic equipment).

Using hi-tech ROVs and Full HD underwater video inspection system with 1080p definition.

End shaft / suction and more.
Our equipment
The technical staff of PilosDivers, consists of professional divers with great experience and responsibility in the field, which in combination with modern technological equipment and the -approved by the Port Authority- diving crew, guarantee an excellent result of diving work, within schedule.
Our equipment includes full high definition (1080p) inspection system, full-face Kirby Morgan mask with intercommunication, Blue ROV 2 with exceptional abilities for underwater research or inspections.
We are operating since 1990, with Alexandros Chronopoulos being a 2nd generation diver, evolving PilosDivers with modern equipment, following the steps of his father, Panagiotis Chronopoulos, who was already operating from the '90s.

They trust us
Pilos Divers has nationwide collaborations with the following entities and companies

We are at your disposal for any kind of diving services